
About us

About us

Director Dr. Gil Yaron

Dr. Gil Yaron
gil.yaron[at]stk.nrw.de (gil[dot]yaron[at]stk[dot]nrw[dot]de)
+49 211 837 1696 

Born in Haifa, Israel, in 1973.

Raised in Düsseldorf.

Pre-Med at Brown University, RI. 
Medical Studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

M.D. with scientific publication in the field of Hematology.

Deputy Director, Head of Education and Youth Policy Dr. Nikolaj Beier

Dr. Nikolaj Beier
nikolaj.beier[at]stk.nrw.de (nikolaj[dot]beier[at]stk[dot]nrw[dot]de)

+49 211 837 1697 

Born in Augsburg in 1975.

Studied theater and communication studies as well as market and advertising psychology at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. 
Doctorate on Judaism, Acculturation and Anti-Semitism in Vienna at the turn of the century examining the example of Arthur Schnitzler's life and work.

Head of Division for Culture and Science Susanne Düwel

Susanne Düwel 
Susanne.Duewel[at]stk.nrw.de (susanne[dot]duewel[at]stk[dot]nrw[dot]de)
+49 211 837 1698

Office of the State in Israel

Anna Taube
anna.Taube[at]extern.stk.nrw.de (Anna[dot]Taube[at]extern[dot]stk[dot]nrw[dot]de)
+49 211 837 1695

Office of the State in Israel

Christina Pauly 
Christina.Pauly[at]stk.nrw.de (christina[dot]pauly[at]stk[dot]nrw[dot]de)
+49 211 837 1339