List of Links
List of Links about partners in Israel and Germany.
This page does not claim to be complete.
- AHK Israel – German Israel chamber of commerce
https://israel.ahk.de/dienstleistungen/bundesland-und-regionalvertretung - Israel – Website for Tourists by the State of Israel
https://new.goisrael.com/de/ - Israel Manufacturers’ Association
https://eng.industry.org.il/ - Stiftung Deutsch-Israelisches Zukunftsforum – Bilateral projects for multiplicators from Germany and Israel
https://www.dizf.de/deutsch/start/index.html - digitalHUB Aachen - Matchingplattform
- Hebrew University Jerusalem https://new.huji.ac.il/en
- Tel Aviv University https://english.tau.ac.il/
- Bar Ilan University https://www1.biu.ac.il/indexE.php
- Haifa University https://www.haifa.ac.il/index.php/en/home-eng
- Technion https://www.technion.ac.il/en/
- Ben Gurion University in Beer Schewa https://in.bgu.ac.il/en/pages/default.aspx
- Weizmann Institute https://weizmann.ac.il/pages/
- DAAD https://www.daad.de/de/
- Here you can find a list of Universities in NRW https://www.mkw.nrw/hochschule-und-forschung/studium-und-lehre/ueberblick-hochschulen-nrw
- Council for Higher Education in Israel
https://che.org.il/en/ - Dialog – independent Institute for intercultural encounters for Youth and Adults
http://www.dialog.org.il - Europeans for Peace
https://www.stiftung-evz.de/handlungsfelder/handeln-fuer-menschenrechte/europeans-for-peace.html - Forum of Technical Colleges in Israel
http://www.ftc.org.il/ - Holon Institute of Technology
https://www.hit.ac.il/en - IDC Herzliah
https://www.idc.ac.il/en/pages/home.aspx - The Rutenberg Institute
- Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste –Volunteer in Israel
- https://www.asf-ev.de/freiwilligendienst/partnerlaender/freiwilligendienst-in-israel/
- ConAct – Center for coordinating youth exchange http://www.conact-org.de/startseite/
- Israel Youth Exchange Authority https://www.facebook.com/youthexil/
- Bible Lands Museum
- www.blmj.org
- Cammeri Theater
- www.cameri.co.il
- Design Museum Holon
- www.dmh.org.il
- German Friends of Yad Vashem e.V.
- https://www.yad-vashem.de/
- DIG - Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft e.V. https://www.deutsch-israelische-gesellschaft.de/
- Gesher Theater
- https://www.gesher-theatre.co.il/en/
- Ghetto Fighters’ House - Beit Lohamei Haghetaot https://www.gfh.org.il/eng
- Goethe-Institut Israel in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv
- https://www.goethe.de/ins/il/de/
- Habima Theater
- www.habima.co.il
- Israel Museum Jerusalem
- https://www.imj.org.il/en/content/das-israel-museum-jerusalem
- Museum on the Seam Jerusalem
- https://www.mots.org.il/
- Science Museum
- www.mada.org.il
- Steinhardt Museum of Natural History Tel Aviv
- https://smnh.tau.ac.il/en/
- Tel Aviv Museum
- https://tamuseum.org.il/en/
- Tel Aviv Opera
- http://www.israel-opera.co.il/eng/
- Yad Vashem - The World Holocaust Remembrance Center
- https://www.yadvashem.org/
- Theaters in NRW: https://www.mkw.nrw/kultur/sparten/theater-nrw
- In NRW there are more than 100 museums. The MKW informs about most recent developments and events here https://www.mkw.nrw/kultur/kultur-konkret
NRW maintains 29 memorials for the crimes of the Nazi era. You can find more information here https://www.mkw.nrw/weiterbildung-und-politische-bildung/erinnerung-leben/erinnerungskultur-staerken
- German Ministry for foreign affairs https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/de/aussenpolitik/laender/israel-node
- Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Israel
- https://tel-aviv.diplo.de/il-de
- Embassy of the State of Israel in Germany
- https://embassies.gov.il/berlin/
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