Twin cities
Friendship between peoples and across borders becomes tangible in personal encounters: Almost 30 districts and municipalities in North Rhine-Westphalia maintain official partnerships with cities and communities in Israel.
Bergisch Gladbach signed the newest town partnership with Ganey Tikva in 2013. The oldest partnership agreement was signed 40 years earlier, in 1973 between the Siegen-Wittgenstein district and Emek Hefer.
In the meantime, more than two dozen other cities have also signed agreements. This are about much more than rapprochement and reconciliation. Much rather they encourage collaborations on many municipal levels in a plentitude of subject areas.
Often, these bilateral projects are also the result of private initiatives, e.g. school partnerships, or partnerships between associations and companies. There are many different forms of cooperation.
Do you have an idea for a new partnership with Israel? Our country office will be happy to assist you turn your idea into reality! Just write to us.
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