Information about Israel
Israel is known to many from the news only as a region in constant crisis. But this country is much more than that – and does not feel at all as threatening once you vist. Especially in the last decade, the Jewish state has gained a reputation as “startup nation” thanks to its approximately 7,000 high-tech companies. Israel has become an innovation region of global importance.
When the state was founded, the country was still characterized by an agricultural economy devoid of natural resources. Today, Israel is a member of the OECD and is considered an attractive business destination thanks to the following strengths:
- Stability: The international rating agency Standard & Poor raised Israel's credit rating to AA- for the first time in August 2018 with a stable outlook, Fitch classified Israel with A + shortly thereafter. The Israeli shekel is considered one of the most stable currencies in the world
- A solid an independent legal system
- Stable democratic structures
- Highly educated population
- The highest economic growth in the OECD
- Low government debt
- Rapid population growth: Since 1948, the population has grown more than fifteen times to 9.1 million. (As of 2020)
- Multicultural competence
- Attractive climate
Cooperation with Israel therefore offers great opportunities. The country is considered to be particularly progressive in the following areas:
Israel has become a hub for the high-tech industry in areas such as communication, IT and AI. This is not least due to the high level of education of its residents. According to the OECD, Israel has the third highest level of education worldwide in terms of academic diplomas. More than half of all Israelis have an academic education. The country has the highest concentration of high-tech companies in the world after Silicon Valley and places third world wide in the absolute number of companies on the NASDAQ, after the USA and China. Israelis also have the most patents worldwide per capita in the field of medical technology. With around 7,000 startups, of which more than 750 are funded by venture capital, Israel has the highest concentration of startups per inhabitant in the world. Israelis are considered world leaders in the following areas:
• Agritech
• Vehicle technology
• Cybersecurity
• Digital health
• Fintech
• Internet of Things
• Industry 4.0
• Watech
Israel has excellent academic institutions. According to the CWTS Leiden Ranking, the Weizmann Institute of Science belongs to the TOP 10 research institutions worldwide, the Technion in Haifa to the Top 100. Various faculties of the universities in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem are also considered to be world leaders. In total, there are more than 320 research and development centers of multinational companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, Facebook, booking.com, Philips, Intel, Google, SAP, IBM and Deutsche Telekom in the country.
Due to strict regulations and supervision, Israel's banks are among the most stable in the world. In the field of venture capital, Israel is significantly more developed than Germany. In 2018, a total of 623 contracts were signed with Israeli high-tech companies worth over 6 billion euros. There were also 61 exits worth over 4.5 billion euros, mainly in the life sciences and IT sectors. Over 4% of GDP is invested in R&D. This keeps Israel attractive for foreign investments. Their share amounts to a total of 77 percent. Over 530 multinational companies are currently active in Israel.
Israeli designers are playing an increasingly important role worldwide, with groundbreaking successes in the design of toys, interactive media and medical devices, innovative designs for the military, the jewelry, fashion or advertising industries. The Design Museum in Holon forms the center of this vibrant scene.
As more than 60 percent of the country's surface is desert, Israel's agricultural experts had to develop innovative methods to save water while increasing yields. These methods are now in use worldwide.
Israel has become the home to immigrants from more than 70 countries. Dozens of different languages are spoken in the country.
How can you benefit from all of this? Ask us. We would be happy to help you find partners or a solution to your concerns here in the country.
Israelis are master travelers. Although Germany has established itself as a well-liked travel destination, only few Israelis come to North Rhine-Westphalia – even though the country has exactly what Israelis are looking for: lots of nature, culture, as well as an attractive price level with diverse shopping opportunities.
It is our aim to make North Rhine-Westphalia better known as a travel destination for Israelis. Do you want to help us? Then just contact us!
With 318 days of sunshine a year, a millennia-old culture, the holiest places on earth, powder white sandy beaches, a lively club culture, low crime, cosmopolitan people and excellent gastronomy, Israel has been an insider tip for millions of holidaymakers for years. More and more Germans are discovering this tiny country, which, although only as large as Hesse, has the climatic diversity of an entire continent. From forested highlands in the Galilee in the north to fertile, green valleys in the middle, to sand dunes and agricultural areas in the Mediterranean and desert in the south - the country has a lot to offer, including unique natural attractions such as the deepest point on earth at the Dead Sea or the largest crater on earth in Makhtesch Ramon. With over 200 museums, the country has the highest number of museums per capita in the world. In addition, a large number of festivals and events in the fields of theater, dance, music, design and art attract visitors from all over the world.
Discover Israel and visit our office!
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