Foto: Land NRW / Ralph Sondermann Inhaltsseite Relations between NRW and Israel Shortly after its foundation, and only a few years after the Second World War, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia pioneered contacts with Israel.
Foto: Thomas Serer / Unsplash Inhaltsseite Internships and Scholarships International youth exchanges, Internships and volunteering in Israel and school partnerships.
Foto: Tobias Maas Inhaltsseite Internships and volunteering in Israel Young and interested in experiences abroad? After graduation or during further training, there are many opportunities to gain experience abroad - of course also in Israel.
Grafik: Land NRW Inhaltsseite FAQ Landesinitiative Europa-Schecks In unserer FAQ finden Sie Antworten auf Ihre Fragen rund um die Landesinitiative Europa-Schecks.
Foto: Helena Lopes / Pexels Inhaltsseite Youth encounters Globalization and increasing migration pose unique challenges to young people who are growing up in a world utterly different from the one their parents were raised in.
Büro des Landes in Israel Inhaltsseite Visitor Groups The Office of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in Israel sees itself as your central point of contact in the country. Visitor groups are expressly welcome!
Land NRW / Ralph Sondermann Inhaltsseite Culture of remembrance and collaboration with Yad Vashem In North Rhine-Westphalia, many cultures come together.
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